Unit 3. Software Engineering
Chapter 9. Incorporating Feedback
1. User-Centered Design: users decide whether or not a program is good
- a process for creating a program that considers users' wants and needs
- incorporating feedback: using the information you gathered from users to revise your design
- focus on
-1) Usability : Is it easy to figure out and use?
-2) Accessibility : Can people with different abilities use it?
-3) Content : Does your program make sense to the target audience?
2. Collecting Feedback : programmers use ALPHA testers BETA testing
- Alpha testing : the first round of user testing usually done before the program is finished
- mostly friends and family
- expect to find plenty of bugs
-Beta testing : the second round of user testing usually done after the program is finished
- selected group of potential users
- helps to identify flaws overlooked before, catch mistakes before the program is released